If you think that the phrase “Health is Wealth” is developed only for human beings then you are doing a big mistake, because alike human beings animals also suffer from various diseases but as they are not able to reveal their feelings we do not notice about their ailments they suffer from. But in case if you a kitten as pet at your home, such type of ignorance might push you towards certain serious health problems which will reach to you only through your beloved kitten, without whom you cannot imagine how your life would have been due to highly emotionally attachment with him.
This might surprise you that if your beloved kitten is suffering from any of the infectious disease then its bacteria will enter too in your body and you could also be caught from same fatal disease from which your kitten suffers. To get rid of this problem that best is to get your kittens vaccinated from time to time strictly according to the guidelines determined by veterinary science. The practice of kitten vaccinations has flourished highly during the recent years, but still sometimes due to hectic working schedule we forgot to our vaccinated on time, as happened with one of my friends who forgot the time of vaccinations and came to know about his mistake when his beloved cat was caught serious health problem.
This might surprise you that if your beloved kitten is suffering from any of the infectious disease then its bacteria will enter too in your body and you could also be caught from same fatal disease from which your kitten suffers. To get rid of this problem that best is to get your kittens vaccinated from time to time strictly according to the guidelines determined by veterinary science. The practice of kitten vaccinations has flourished highly during the recent years, but still sometimes due to hectic working schedule we forgot to our vaccinated on time, as happened with one of my friends who forgot the time of vaccinations and came to know about his mistake when his beloved cat was caught serious health problem.
As a general practice little dogs and cats are tame in families and men being an emotional animal soon get emotionally attached with his pet that he starts considering him as his family member and looks after his every basic needs. If you also have a kitten at your home it will be better to maintain a chart about their vaccination and keep it updated accordingly. Here it should be remembered that the vaccination program for both cats and dogs is different, which is referred in coming paragraphs.
For dogs the core vaccinations are:
1. Canine Parvo Virus
2. Canine Distemper Virus
3. Infectious Canine Hepatitis Virus
The schedule of different vaccinations referred above is as follows:
1. At tha age between six to eight weeks: First vaccination
2. Ten to twelve weeks: Second vaccination
3. At the age of fourteen to sixteen weeks: Third Vaccination
4. Booster after completion of one year
5. And revaccination: After every three years for an adult pet.
Non Core Vaccines: Although these vaccines are recommended for adult dogs but not mandatory Use of these vaccine helps in protecting from fatal diseases like Kennel cough and Leptospirosis.
For cats core vaccinations are:
1. Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV)
2. Feline Herpes Virus
3. Feline Calcivirus
Duration of these vaccinations:
1. First vaccination at the age between six and eight weeks
2. Second at age from ten to twelve weeks
3. Third at the age between fourteen to sixteen weeks
4. Booster revaccination dose
The non-core vaccination doses for cats are as follows:
1. Feline Leukemia Virus
2. Feline Infectious Peritonitis
3. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
4. And Chlamydophila Felis
Remember that vaccination to your pet from time to time will not only protect them from the attack of serious diseases but will also fortunate you to enjoy long life with your pets without any trouble.